Physical Activities for Cardiac Health

For the good health of the heart or the good performance of the human heart, every person should be so active. Our physical activities and our workout make our hearts capable of bearing various situations. The best workout method is an exercise daily.

Although healthy food is so necessary for the better functioning of the heart, rather than this our daily workout matters a lot. It makes your heart healthy and makes your heart muscles strong. You can start doing exercise anytime.

Approximately 150 minutes are required in a week for an exercise for having a good and healthy heart.

Heart Health

Best Exercises for heart

There are some most effective and beneficial cardio exercises through which a heart becomes healthy. Before all kinds of exercises, you should have to warm up your body for about 5 minutes. In this warm-up activity, a person should do some jumping at a slow speed just to increase the rate of a heartbeat from low to high.

But keep this in mind if you try to strengthen your heart after any heart attack or any kind of heart disease then you should first inform your doctor after doing such exercises. It is also compulsory for heart patients to never work out or do exercises outdoor places in severe cold or hot.

1. Walking

  • No doubt all exercises are so good but the most simple and effective way to keep your heart healthy is walking, especially speed walking. By wearing comfortable shoes you even can enjoy it the most.
  • During lunchtime, it should be for a short time but on weekends it must be so long.
  • Basically, through speed walking, the rate of your heart becomes up and your joints can easily bear it up.
  • Also in walking there is no restriction on age. People of all ages can enjoy walking and if it is prescribed by your doctor then it will be compulsory for you.
  • You can walk anytime and anywhere. It should be at least for one hour daily.

2. Jogging or Running

  • After walking, the next best exercise is jogging.
  • Running makes your body sweat which burns your fats or calories in much less time.
  • After morning jogging, the whole day you can feel so peaceful and so fresh.
  • By running habit, your heart beats so fast and the rate of inhaling oxygen or demand for oxygen in the body also increases.
  • Then the heart pumps the blood in the body so rapidly. In your daily routine, 30 minutes are good enough for jogging or running.
  • But one thing to keep in mind is there should be less time for beginners.

3. Dancing

  • Eventually, it is concluded that a person who does not like any kind of exercise, might be able to like some dance.
  • Through dance, the muscles of the body rapidly stretch and relax at the same time.
  • The body remains fit, who loves to do some steps of dance and by dancing again the heart beats so fastly and becomes healthy.

Aerobics workout

  • Being physically so active makes the heart healthy daily. To make your heart function better it must be provided with some good workout and aerobics is one of them.
  • Aerobics makes all muscles of the body active and circulation increases and through this, the blood pressure and glucose level in the body come to their normal rate. Zumba classes are also considered in this type of exercise but it is mostly a high-intensity workout because it is mostly of 30 to 50 minutes but join it on a doctor’s recommendation.

1. Swimming

  • Due to swimming, all muscles of the body are involved in an active state which makes them so strong and energetic.
  • It is the workout of a full body.
  • It is a very easy kind of exercise because it has less stress on joints and is usually not more painful than others.


2. Climbing stairs

  • Well, this is the best method to lose weight and get rid of obesity.
  • By climbing stairs, burning fats or calories makes the body sweat even in more quantity, and heart rate and heartbeat increase.
  • The cardiac muscles are involved in this method.

3. Jumping rope

  • Jumping on ropes is just like jogging and running but as you know it's just in one location.
  • Through jumping ropes heart rate along with breathing rate increases immediately.
  • Hence, it is also a high–intensity workout in which heart rate and pulse may fluctuate.
  • When the body is jumping, it is at a certain height which is against gravity and is also helpful to strengthen a body as a result improving heart health.

4. Cycling

  • Cycling daily for at least 20 minutes regulates your heart to become more healthy.
  • It also improves the circulation of blood into the lungs, heart, and whole body.
  • Also reduces heart attack risks or other cardiovascular diseases.

5. Games

  • Usually playing high-intensity games or sports may trigger the rate of the heart.
  • It is good for a healthy person but it should be avoided by a heart patient or any person who has a disease of the heart or vessels.
  • But low-intensity activity like playing tennis or badminton is quite healthy for a heart patient.

6. Yoga

  • Yoga is such a peaceful and amazing form of activity, it is lack stress on your joints and is not painful.
  • It lowers the high blood pressure and also maintains the blood glucose level in your body and cholesterol level decreases eventually the heart becomes so healthy and fit.
  • It provides balance and coordination to the body.


Why exercise is important?

  • Reducing stress
  • Making you free from depression
  • Fitness
  • Healthy heart
  • Normal Blood Pressure
  • Maintains glucose level in blood
  • Normal cholesterol level
  • Relief from obesity
  • Reduces the heart attacks
  • Decreases the diseases of the heart
  • Control the weight
  • Fresh feeling
  • Confidence increases
  • Improves brain health
  • Bones become strong
  • Lessen the anxiety
  • Quality of sleep also improves
  • Make you so sharp and smart

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