5 Ways to Lose Weight without Losing Your Mind Over it

Weight loss can be a sensitive subject for many of us and while a larger group of our generation is dealing with this issue there is a lot of shame and stigma attached to it. By weight loss, we do not at all intend you to give into the idea of starving yourself into malnourishment or striving to achieve an Instant proposed approach to how your body should look like.

How to lose weight fast
Health is Wealth

Health is wealth your motivation

Weight loss should be a part of your life to achieve a healthy weight for your body and get rid of the curse of obesity which is rightfully the root cause of several diseases. An obese person may be susceptible to several disorders, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, osteoarthritis (bone and joint disease), gallbladder disease, kidney disease, pregnancy problems, fatty liver disease, high level of triglycerides (cholesterol). So, to get optimum and healthy body weight should your motivation not to get a skinny or slim body.

5 Ways to lose weight fast
Vegetables are good for health



Here I have some tips and tricks by which you can take guidelines to lose weight.

1. Plan schedule for weight loss

A goal without a plan is just a wish. So Planning is much more important to get your target. It helps to direct you towards your aim. So, make a schedule in which you mention all the things that you have to do during this tenure.

Write your objective and stick to it

Which sort of food will be best for weight loss?                              

Which kind of physical exercise do you have to do?         

Plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack ideas.

Make a grocery list and shop wisely

Weigh yourself after equal intervals (daily or once a week)

Focus on small changes and don’t lose hope

2. Food selection

Fruits, vegetables, oats, wholegrain bread, pasta, brown rice, beans, and peas are full of fibers and weight loss-friendly foods. Fibers help a lot to keep you full and perfect for weight loss. Cut back on starch, sugar, and carbohydrates. By doing this your hunger level goes down, and you consume a few Calories. The following ingredients should add to your plate if you want to lose weight.

Protein sources, include meat (chicken, beef, lamb) fish and seafood (shrimp, trout, salmon) eggs, and some plant obtain protein (legumes, beans, peas). Protein helps in preserving muscle mass and health while doing weight loss. It reduces the hunger hormones and raises many satiety hormones. In this way, hunger becomes reduced and you lose weight.

Vegetables are natural weight loss food, rich in nutrients and fibers. Make sure you are using mixed vegetables that are full of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that keep you healthy and full. These include tomatoes, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, peppers, lettuce, broccoli, etc.

Healthy fats, are also required for your body, no matter which diet plan you choose for weight loss. This include, avocado oil, olive oil, nuts seeds, and olives, which are delicious and healthy.

Fruits are natural and ready-made snacks filled with fiber, and nutrients, and have low calorie that helps to reduce weight. Eating fruit lowers the risk of blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases. This includes Grapefruit, Apples, Berries, Stone Fruits, Kiwifruit, Melons, Oranges, etc

3. Physical exercise

Do some sort of exercise and workout, along with a diet plan. This helps the faster burning of calories. Loss of muscle is the side effect of dieting. By lifting weight on daily basis, you may compensate for this loss in muscle mass. You may do cardio, like jogging, cycling, and running which helps in burning calories and improve physical and mental health.

 4. Tricks

Don’t skip breakfast, you need nutrients and energy to perform life activities so, start your day with a healthy meal. Studies show that no significant calories are burnt if you skip breakfast. Rather skipping morning meals makes you hungry and you miss out on essential nutrients.

Drink plenty of water, because it’s calorie-free and helps to burn more calories. Research shows that if you drink 2 glasses of water before a meal lost more weight by suppressing appetite, boosting metabolism, and making exercise efficient and easier. This simply means, that thirst makes you hunger and water makes you fuller, making you full during the meal. You see significant results if you replace sugary beverages with water.

Getting enough sleep, is essential for weight loss and poor sleep is the biggest risk factor for future weight gain. Because lack of sleep increases hunger hormone (ghrelin) and reduces satisfaction hormone (leptin) and you feel an intense appetite and wants to eat salty and sweet foods.

Avoid alcohol, one glass of alcohol contains as many calories as a piece of chocolate. Drinking too much alcohol increase your weight.

Don’t stock junk food, at home (biscuits, sweet fizzy drinks, chocolate, crisps, French Fries, White Bread, Pastries, Most Fruit Juices, and Ice Cream). Eating too much junk food increases health problems, like obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers.

Eat slowly, chewing slowly helps you in eating fewer calories than fast chewing. In addition to this, slowly eating may increase the production of hormones that helps to weight loss. Research shows that slow eaters are more likely to get skinnier than fast eaters.

Use a smaller plate, choose a smaller plate or bowl for eating, by doing this you eat a smaller portion, and with time you become habitual to a small quantity of food. Moreover, the stomach takes about 20 minutes to tell the brain it's full, so eat slowly, and a small number of meals.

Get into meal planning, make a list of all those ingredients that you need and shop wisely, this will help you in planning your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, for a week.

Don’t skip food that you like, take food according to your daily calorie allowance but don’t skip, it because this will crave you more and feel hungry.

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, these are low in calories and fat but rich with fiber, minerals, and vitamins so use a variety of fruit and vegetables.

Eating a regular meal, and eating food slowly and in small quantities on regular basis helps you to burn calories at a faster rate than random eating.

Weight yourself, Research shows that if you want to lose weight you should weigh yourself on daily basis to get the best result than weight once a week.

5. Stay positive and motivated

Losing weight is hard, but don’t lose hope just stick to your goal and stay positive and motivated. Once you achieve your goal, celebrate it and share your story of success with others. Might be possible for your story may become a guideline for others to weight loss.

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