Pregnancy Manifestation of Physical and Mental Condition


In humans, pregnancy consists of 40 weeks (9 months), it is a time in which newborns or offspring are present in the mother's womb. The first thing that eventually comes to mind is how to get pregnant. It is not only about sexual intercourse, in fact, but pregnancy is also just the fusion of egg with sperm, it might be artificial fusion too.

After fertilization of the egg with sperm, the embryo is implanted in the uterus where the fetus will get all kinds of nutrients and energy from his or her mother and complete its time of 9 months before delivery. On the other hand, it is a blessing to have a baby or conceive a baby for those parents who desperately have a wish to get their offspring.  There should always be a positive thought that a person carrying a newborn having two hearts in a single body is consistently beating as well.

Pregnancy and Mental Health

Pregnancy Signs and Effective Symptoms

  • Missed menstruation periods
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Implantation cramps
  • Cramps in the legs and body pain
  • Feels Hungry
  •  Morning sickness
  • Mood swings
  • Sometimes feeling dizziness
  • Faint
  • Stomach upset
  • Tenderness in breasts
  • Breast swollen
  • Fatigue
  • Heartburn
  • Food cravings
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Thrusting in vagina
  • Varicose veins
  • More often Urination
  • Sometimes itching on the abdominal region or legs
  • Twitching of muscles of legs
  • Breathing shortness
  • Pain and swelling in the lower abdomen and joints
  • Anxiety
  • Stress

Symptoms mostly start from the  4th to 6th  week of pregnancy till the 14th week. This is just because of changes in hormones.


A hormone that is produced after 6 days of fertilization is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is called pregnancy hormone produced by the placenta, and the major component of showing pregnancy Other than this, the level of estrogen hormone also increases frequently.

Stages of Pregnancy

 The development of a newborn during pregnancy is a tremendous process. There are 4 stages of the pregnancy timeline including: 1st trimester, 2nd trimester, 3rdtrimester & birth. Trimester (0 to 13 Weeks) the primary trimester is that the most important to your baby's development. ...
Second Trimester (14 to 26 Weeks) ...
Third Trimester (27 to 40 Weeks)

First trimester

  • Weight will increase by about 1-2 kg
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Feeling of tiredness
  • The rate of heartbeat and breathing also increases
  • Size of breasts become so large, nipples become dark in color, tenderness also occurs
  • Mood swings most probably occur which may be so uncomfortable for others and a pregnant lady too.
  • Due to pressure of the uterus on the lower abdominal region, urination most often happens

 Second Trimester

  • Weight will further increase by approximately 6 kgs
  • Now at this stage, a healthy pregnant woman will feel better in short vomiting may stop
  • Due to the level of hormones increases, the hair and nails  become so healthy, and the volume of hair increases
  • Food cravings occur but mostly at night
  • Likes and dislikes of food items suddenly observed as some things you may dislike provoked you to vomit on the spot
  • Feeling energetic at this stage of pregnancy

Third trimester

  • Weight increasing day by day may include the weight of the baby, its amniotic fluid, the mother’s breasts, her uterus, and also the placenta.
  • Now this stage is so uncomfortable for the pregnant lady, Cramps, Back Pain starts frequently, and Lying in bed is quite a difficult situation
  • Breathing problem mostly occurs because of baby size increasing pressure.
  • But no doubt comfort zone will be near and the mother should think that delivery time is so close and time is not too far to see her baby in her hands and a lot of love and affection for little ones

Methods to diagnose pregnancy

  • First of all, you will miss your periods.
  • Other than this the most simple and cheapest method to check a pregnancy is with some pregnancy checking sticks which are available easily in the market or any other stores of medicines.
  • Simply take a morning pee inside a small container and put this stick or strip inside that urine and after 20 – 30 seconds you may get the results.
  • If the woman is pregnant, the result will be positive and double lines appear on that stick due to the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone in the body which causes pregnancy.
  • By checking through ultrasound. In the ultrasound machine, it will be clarified whether a woman is pregnant or not. Even though we can also get this information that this pregnancy is healthier for a mother and baby parents must know about this.
  • By blood test, you will also get an accurate result. In blood, there is a presence of hCG hormone which gives positive results.

Benefits of getting pregnant or having a baby

  • A woman who is suffering from menstrual cramps may get some relief or you can say that a long time relief from that pain and cramps
  • The risk of getting breast cancer and other cancers of the body reduced
  • The body becomes spiritually strong

Myths about pregnancy

  • Eating eggs or fish may be harmful to a baby
  • To conceive a baby enlarging your breast for the rest of your life
  • The body may figure out or you may say that figure will not get its previous size
  • Eating peanuts will make your child allergic or vulnerable
  • Traveling is not good for pregnancy
  • Caffeine is not good for your baby
  • Avoid exercise

Some precautions to get healthy pregnancy

  • Avoid getting intimate with your sexual partner for at least starting weeks of pregnancy if no complications are observed in your case.
  • Approximately newly pregnant women should avoid having sexual contact with their spouses.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Don't try to do some weight lifting in the early days of pregnancy.
  • Eat folate-containing foods.
  • Try to get some folic acids or supplements.
  • Do contact your gynecologist and go for a check-up regularly.
  • To avoid miscarriages you should always take healthy food and have a good diet plan.
  • Wear some quality or comfortable shoes and avoid some heels during this period.
  • Always check your weight.
  • Drink a lot of or plenty of water
  • Take some rest between 0 to 6 weeks of pregnancy just to avoid miscarriages


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