Newborn Baby 15 Interesting Facts

Having a newborn baby can be an exhilarating and yet challenging period for new mothers. Listed below are some facts about newborn babies to help you understand your child and smooth out your experience with your child.

Facts about newborn
Facts about newborn

1.  Natal Teeth 

The teeth present at the time of birth are called natal teeth. While the teeth which grow within 30 days after birth are called neonatal teeth. Natal teeth are rare and different than neonatal teeth. This is taking place in approximately 1 out of every 2,000 births. Natal teeth have weak roots and are not fully developed. Usually, it looks small, weak, loose, and discolored. 


 It has lots of causes. About 15% of babies are born with natal teeth whose siblings and parents are already born too. Generally, the chances of this are greater in females than in males. Malnutrition during pregnancy is also one of the causes of natal teeth.


These teeth are not health hazards but may disturb to baby and mother both during breastfeeding. The baby may bite to mother. It may damage to baby's tongue as these teeth have weak roots, and it may break and inhale the tooth in the airways and lungs.

2.  Taste Buds

Babies are born with 1000 taste buds, while adults have 2000 to 8000. Babies' taste buds are found on the tonsils and tongue. Infants' taste buds start to develop in the womb.  Studies show that what a mother eats during pregnancy, affects the child's food preference later on.

During 1 to 3 months of birth, the baby just does differentiate between bitter and sweet tastes. But gradually as your baby grows, their sense of taste changes and they become able to differentiate different flavors.

3. Swollen Breast

 Newborn baby boys and girls have enlarged or swollen breasts. It's normal. Mainly it's because of estrogen hormones (maternal hormones) that a baby experiences in the womb.

This is the same hormone that stimulates the mother's milk glands and enlarges the mother's breast. So if you press the baby's breast you feel real breast milk. Over weeks and months, Newborn breast swelling finish as no more exposure to these hormones.

4. Human Tail

To be born with a tail is rare in humans. A human embryo develops a tail in the womb in the 5th or 6th week of gestation which disappears by 8 weeks. This embryonic tail grows and changes into the tailbone. If a human is born with a tail it will be called a true tail which is then surgically removed by doctors.

This tail can be long as 13 centimeters and covered with skin. These contain muscles, nerves, and blood tissues, and sometimes contract or move. 

5. Bones more than Adults 

 Babies are born with 300 bones, while adults have 206 bones. After birth, small bones fuse and they form larger bones. Mostly baby's bones are made up of entirely cartilage which is a soft and flexible material. As a child grow cartilage is replaced with bone by the deposition of calcium which makes bones stronger and harder.

6. Mini Period

 During pregnancy, the baby shares maternal hormones. After birth, some hormones are still present in their bodies. Due to this baby girl have some temporary changes in the vaginal area. There may be the release of white fluid from the vagina which is called leukorrhea. Sometimes, a small amount of bleeding from the vagina occurs which is called the mini period. These changes slowly go away within 2 months of life.

7. Cry without Tears 

For the starting few weeks, babies cry without tears, because tears glands (lacrimal glands) are not fully developed. During crying, they may change color (red face). Visible tears appear between 1 to 3 months while some babies may start to shed tears after 2 weeks of birth. 

8. Eye and Color 

At the time of birth, the baby's eyes are larger than the body size. When a baby is born his eyes are 65% of their adult size. Newborn babies can see black, white, and gray colors. Within 4 months your baby starts to develop color vision and the very first color that your baby see is red just after few weeks after birth. Newborn infants can see things 8-15 inches away.

9. Hair fall 

Hair fall is perfectly normal and common in newborn babies. This happens because of hormonal issues and occurs between 1 to 6 months. Hair loss is at the peak in the first 3 months in both, baby and mother. After 6 to 12 months baby hairs replace with permanent hairs.

10. Birthmarks occur during labor 

Birthmarks are the marks that a baby develops at the time of birth or soon after birth. These marks were visible on the skin in different colors black, pale, blue pink, purple-brown, and tan red. Most birthmarks are harmless but some are linked to health problems. 

11. Newborn Baby Growth 

The 1st-month baby shows rapid growth. Your baby grows in length up to 1 to 1.5 inches (about 1.5 to 2.5 centimeters) a month. If your baby feels more hungry, it means your baby is going through a period of fast growth.

12. Babies learn much faster than adults 

Babies learn faster than adults because babies' minds are designed to learn while adults' minds are designed to perform. infants absorb things like a sponge and their minds built up neural connections at a rapid pace for learning. 

13. Nappies in one year 

Newborn babies need to change nappies 10 to 12 times a day while in older babies it's around 6 to 8 times. In the first-month newborn infant use almost 320 diapers and in the first year, it may be between 2000-2200. 

14. Kneecaps 

Babies are born with kneecaps which are made of cartilage. This cartilage will replace with bone between 2 to 6 years of age.

15. Baby Sleep 

The majority of newborns spend more time asleep than awake. Newborns sleep for an average of 8 to 9 hours during the day and 8 hours at night. In their first year, babies sleep for 5400 hours on average. They favor facing right while sleeping.


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